histamine receptor中文什么意思

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  1. To confirm that the histamine receptor connects the drug , ampk activity and appetite , the team gave clozapine to mice genetically engineered without a histamine receptor
    为证实组胺受体和药物、 ampk活性、和食欲相关,研究组给经遗传重组后缺失去组胺受体的小鼠氯氮平药物。
  2. Drug name diphenhydramine , ethanolamine class , histamine receptor type 1 blocker . has significant anticholinergic and sedative properties that causes some degree of topical anesthesia by impairing the transmission of nerve impulses
  3. Incyte does not actually own the rights to the gene for the histamine receptor in your body but only to an “ isolated and purified ” form of it . ( at times , patent examiners or courts have invoked the u . s
    早期的基因专利还依循传统化学专利的模式,例如因赛特公司并不是真的拥有你体内的组织胺受体基因,而是分离和纯化形式的基因(当时专利审核人员或法院还引用了美国宪法中禁止奴役的条文,解释为什麽不能申请一个真正的人或其身体部位的专利权) 。


The histamine receptors are a class of G protein-coupled receptors with histamine as their endogenous ligand.


  1. histamine phophate 什么意思
  2. histamine phosphate 什么意思
  3. histamine poisoning 什么意思
  4. histamine provocation test 什么意思
  5. histamine provocative test 什么意思
  6. histamine receptor 3 什么意思
  7. histamine receptor site 什么意思
  8. histamine receptors 什么意思
  9. histamine release 什么意思
  10. histamine release test 什么意思


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